Customer for Life

Customer for Life is a pledge by sequence solutions to help our customers maintain the value of their purchases. We realize that as your display grows, so do your sequencing needs. This program allows you to use previous purchases to upgrade to larger formats and also benefit from any sequence changes or additions made.

  • Get the price you paid for the original platinum sequence off the purchase of the Diamond version.
  • Receive sequence updates on your purchased sequences at no charge.
  • Get free sequence revisions for any display additions or changes to your purchased sequence.
  • Platinum Club members will get the purchase credit of the Platinum version of the sequence credited towards their purchase of the Diamond. 

In order to get credit from your original purchase, please E-Mail with the following information:

Customer Name:

Sequence Title:

We will get back with you on an upgrade code that will allow you to purchase the new sequence. 

Only good for sequences that you have already purchased. Sequence Solutions will verify original purchase prior to processing.


Download updates can be obtained by going to the customer dashboard and clicking of the sequence link of the ones purchased. This will automatically download the latest version on the site.  Email us at if you need assistance.